R4 Shooting Reconstruction- Idaho Falls

June 2-6, 2025 0800-1700

Credit Hours: 40
Course Number: R4280C


This comprehensive five day course is designed for crime scene investigators, detectives, crime laboratory analysts, and others in the field of forensic science that have the basic training and skills for crime scene examinations. This course will assist law enforcement officers in connecting all of the forensic pieces for the purpose of crime scene reconstruction involving shooting incidents. It will also elaborate on the thorough and accurate documentation of physical evidence at the scene. The attendees will learn protocol and methods by using string, dowel rods, scientific calculators, and/or lasers to determine the flight path of the projectile from the moment it leaves a firearm muzzle to the moment it strikes the final target and is recovered. Also, students will examine the firearm residue for estimated distance determination from the position of the shooter to the victim and/or final target. Mock scenes are designed for the course to assist the student by providing hands-on experience with the concepts learned throughout the lectures and discussions.

Instructors: TBD


Idaho Falls Police Department

775 Northgate Mile

Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Registration Details:

To register for this course, click the following link- http://forensicpieces.com/lists/5-csi-and-recon-courses/items/451-shooting-reconstruction


R4228F Officer Involved Shooting and Use-of-Deadly Force- Idaho Falls

November 4-6, 2024 0800-1600 (Half day on Nov. 6)

Credit Hours: 20
Course Number: R4228F


This is a 2.5-day class; therefore, the first two days of class will be from 8:00am-4:00pm local time and the last day of class will end at 12:00pm local time. 

Today almost every officer involved shooting or in-custody death will garner some national media attention and scrutiny. Law enforcement officers and the citizens they serve, deserve a professional and unbiased investigation of these incidents. This 3-day course provides 20 hours of training to prepare officers to conduct investigations into critical incidents / officer involved shootings and in-custody deaths (OICI). This course covers the four important phases of the OICI including the initial assignments, incident scene investigation, involved officer interviews and case completion. Other topics that will also be covered will be legal issues, media relations, and court preparation.

This program will prepare investigators to professionally investigate officer involved shootings, in-custody deaths and uses of force that result in serious injury. This course is intended for those investigators who are specifically assigned to the criminal investigation of officer involved shootings and in-custody deaths. It is also appropriate for those detectives or uniform personnel who may be required to assist in these types of investigations. During the course students will be instructed on the four phases of the officer involved critical incident investigation:

Phase I- Assessment, triage, resource allocations, assignments.

Phase II- Incident scene & witness interviews.

Phase III- Involved Officers interviews.

Phase IV- Case completion and submittal

Instructors: John Kempf


Idaho Falls Police Department

775 Northgate Mile
Idaho Falls State 83402

Registration Details: Click the following link for course and registration information https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/539-officerinvolved-shooting-and-useofdeadly-force-3day-kempf/744




R4 228F Officer Involved Shootings & Use of Force Investigations- Chubbuck

June 17-21, 2024, 0800-1700

Credit Hours: 35
Course Number: R4228F


For full course description and registration see the following link- https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/284-officerinvolved-shooting-and-useofforce/545



Chubbuck Police Department

5160 Yellowstone Ave.

Chubbuck, ID 83202

Registration Details:

See registration link above.



R1 702 – Force Science Encounters, 2 day course – Hayden