Tag: Patrol
R4 205 Basic Fire Investigations- Chubbuck
April 29-30, 2024, 0800-1600
Credit Hours: 14
Course Number: R4205
For course description and registration see the following link- https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/380-the-basics-of-fire-investigation-tested-training/543
Chubbuck Police Department
5160 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202
Registration Details:
See link above.
R4 280 Death and Homicide Investigations- Chubbuck
May 20-24, 2024, 0800-1700 (0800-1200 on the last day)
Credit Hours: 35
Course Number: R4280
For full course description and registration, click the following link- https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/102-death-and-homicide-haley/544
Chubbuck Police Department
5160 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202
Registration Details:
See link above.
R4 227 Reid Technique of Interview and Interrogation- Pocatello
June 11-14, 2024- 0800-1700
Credit Hours: 32
Course Number: R4227
You Will Learn How To:
• Interpret verbal and non-verbal behavior to help you assess the credibility of a suspect’s
• Structure the interview using open- ended and investigative questions to develop the subject’s
• Use behavior provoking questions in the interview process
• Persuade a suspect to tell the truth about their involvement in criminal activity
• Develop interrogation strategies and interrogation themes
• Use an alternative question to develop the first admission of guilt
• Use tactics to handle the more defiant suspect; overcome objections and their fear of
Instructors: TBD
Bannock County Sheriff’s Office
5800 S 5th Ave
Pocatello, ID 83204
Registration Details:
Register on-line at http://www.reid.com
R4 246 Basic School Resource Officer- Pocatello CANCELLED
June 3-7, 2024, 0800-1700 CANCELLED
Credit Hours: 40
Course Number: R4246
The Basic SRO School consists of a week of training for the entry level school resource officer. The course covers current legal issues and local laws, the history of the SRO program, case study of active school shootings, communication skills and creating and presenting educational programs for students.
This forty-hour course has been developed with information gathered over decades of experience in School-Based Policing. The concept of school resource officer is best described as a triad concept: teacher, counselor, and law enforcement officer. This course will concentrate on this triad and teach skills necessary to be successful on any campus. Completion of this course has proven to be invaluable to existing school-based law enforcement officers and programs. There will be a course examination and at least one graded practical exercise performed by each student.
Instructors: Shaun Shepherd
Pocatello Police Department
911 N. 7th Ave.
Pocatello, ID 83201
Registration Details:
To register for this course, click the following link- https://srotraining.com/courses/basicsroschool/ or send the registration information and payment to CORBIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. (Fed Tax ID# 87-3346757) 302 Northgate Mall Dr. #1613, Hixson, TX 37343 or email to srotraining@icloud.com
City, State, Zip Code
Attendee email
R4 120 Drug Investigations Course- Chubbuck
April 17-19, 2024, 0800-1700
Credit Hours: 24
Course Number: R4120
The Drug Investigation Class is designed for all law enforcement officers. The techniques taught in this training have been proven effective and are being used by detectives and uniformed officers around the country. The student will learn investigative tactics they can put to use on their next shift. The class will cover numerous investigative techniques to include: Why Make Drug Cases, Drug Identification, Undercover Operations, Use of Social Media, Knock & Talk, Search Warrants, Testifying in Court on a Drug Case as well as other topics.
Instructors: Brian Sallee
Chubbuck Police Department Training Room
5160 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, Idaho 83202
Registration Details:
Go to BBS Narcotics Enforcement Training & Consulting, LLC website at www.bbsnarctraining.com and click on the registration icon on the home page
Questions/contact: Brian Sallee (505) 459-5554 or brian@bbsnarctraining.com
R1 121D ARIDE- Coeur d’Alene
Registrations are closed, class is full
April 4-5, 2024, April 4 – 1000 – 2000, April 5 – 0800-1700
Credit Hours: 20
Course Number: 121D
This course will train law enforcement officers to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes which result in serious injuries and fatalities. In addition, this course will educate other criminal justice professionals (prosecutors, toxicologists, judges, etc.) to understand the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, to enable them to effectively work with law enforcement in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes.
This class is intended for officers who have been patrolling for two or more years and desire to have more training in the area of detection and apprehension of drug impaired drivers.
ARIDE is the prerequisite for the Drug Recognition Expert School.
Instructors: ISP Cpl. Troy Tulleners and Ofc. Nick Knoll
Idaho State Police District 1 Office Training Room
615 W Wilbur Ave
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
Registration Details:
Email Cpl. Tulleners at Troy.Tulleners@isp.idaho.gov to register
Maximum: 24 students
R4 121D ARIDE- Chubbuck FREE
April 8-9, 2024, 0900-2100 April 8, 0900-1700 April 9
Credit Hours: 20
Course Number: 121D
This course will train law enforcement officers to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes which result in serious injuries and fatalities. In addition, this course will educate other criminal justice professionals (prosecutors, toxicologists, judges, etc.) to understand the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, to enable them to effectively work with law enforcement in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes.
This class is intended for officers who have been patrolling for two or more years and desire to have more training in the area of detection and apprehension of drug impaired drivers.
ARIDE is the prerequisite for the Drug Recognition Expert School.
Instructors: ISP Sgt. Todd Orr
Chubbuck Police Department Training Room
5160 Yellowstone
Chubbuck, ID 83202
Registration Details:
Email Todd.Orr@isp.idaho.gov to register
R4 Advanced Search and Seizure- Chubbuck
October 15, 2024 0800-1700
Credit Hours: 8
Course Number: R4233B
See link before for information and registration. May be combined with Advanced Traffic Stops and Advanced Criminal Investigations for a discounted cost.
Instructors: TBD
Chubbuck PD
5160 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202
Registration Details: See link above in description