R4 Front Line Leadership- Idaho Falls

April 22-24, 2025

Credit Hours: 24
Course Number: R4805


Course Description
This Track II course is for those who would like to enjoy more out of their
career and their life. Students completing this course will develop their
understanding of leadership and self to improve their work and personal
relationships with others. Information and skills developed in this course
will assist in gaining a broader perspective of the law enforcement
profession, the personalities that exist in it, functional vs
dysfunctional teams, culture, history, building trust, building credibility,
building teams, and real-life modern leadership. Topics of instruction will
include Assessing Leadership, Positive Teamwork, Police Cultures, the
Challenging Employee, Integrity of Policing, 360 Relationships, and Resilient
Leadership. This course is a “must” for all Front Line Leaders!

Target Audience
All commissioned peace officers, corrections officers, non-commissioned
personnel, FTO’s, supervisors, middle managers, command staff, and
executive staff of all ranks, tenure, and assignment will benefit from this
Front Line Leadership course. This course is for everyone in our profession.

Instructors: Ron Bayne


Bonneville County Sheriff’s Ammon Field Office
3750 E Lincoln Road,
Idaho Falls, ID

Registration Details:

Call 866-855-6772 or at http://joppatraining.com



R4 Winning a Gunfight- Idaho Falls FREE ($25 donation recommended) CANCELLED LACK OF REGISTRATIONS


Credit Hours: 8
Course Number: R4139


Does physically surviving a gunfight mean you won? Not by a long shot. Many people survive gunfights. In fact, most people who are in a gunfight survive. But there is a difference between surviving and winning. Surviving means you continue to exist. Continuing to exist and winning are not the same.
Everyone who carries a gun for personal protection or the protection of others needs to understand what they will face before, during, and after a gunfight. This seminar, based on Winning a Gunfight, helps prepare the modern warrior to win in the event they face a deadly foe.

Instructors: Timm Rupp


Bonneville County SO
Ammon Field Office
3750 E. Lincoln Rd.
Ammon, ID 83401

Registration Details:

Go online to register:
Email: office@TheStrongBlueLine.org
Call: (208) 206-1215



R4 Suicide is not an Option- Idaho Falls CANCELLED LACK OF REGISTRATIONS


Credit Hours: 8
Course Number: R4138


America’s law enforcement officers are significantly more likely to die by suicide than being murdered in the line of duty. For years mental health professionals have come alongside officers with treatment, assistance, and counsel. Yet, the suicide rate continues to increase. Can this ever-increasing suicide rate among these warriors be stopped?
In this seminar, Law Enforcement Chaplain Tim Rupp approaches suicide from a spiritual health perspective. Rupp argues there is meaning to life beyond the individual. Humans are not only physical and mental beings, but spiritual beings who yearn for a yet to be experienced life beyond. This eternal hope instilled in every person gives meaning to life and a reason to hope. Hope for more, hope for new, hope for better. Rupp believes that this intrinsic hope is a key to reduce the suicide rate among our warriors.

Target Audience: Law enforcement officers, military, chaplains, mental health professionals, peer support team, and clergy who minister to LEOs

Instructors: Tim Rupp


Bonneville County SO
Ammon Field Office
3750 E. Lincoln Rd.
Ammon, ID 83401

Registration Details:

To register:
Email: office@TheStrongBlueLine.org
Call: (208) 206-1215



R4 First Line Supervision- Pocatello FREE

December 9-11, 2024

Credit Hours: 24
Course Number: R4602


This course is open to all sworn or non-sworn Command Level Supervisors, or above, in any division of Law Enforcement or related public service agency personnel.
The POST certified course has received EXCELLENT reviews from those who have attended it!!
Presented through a combination of classroom lecture and practical exercises, this 3-day course will provide new FTO’s and First Line Supervisors with principles and techniques that will help them become successful supervisors.
Topics will include:
Management Styles Coaching Employees
Problem Employees Generational Differences
Performance Evaluations Employee Discipline
Civil Liability

Instructors: ICRMP Chad Sarmento


Pocatello Police Department

911 N. 7th Ave.

Pocatello, ID 83201

Registration Details:

For more information or to register, please contact Chad Sarmento csarmento@icrmp.org



R4 Fentanyl Awareness, Investigation, and Interdiction Training for LE- Idaho Falls FREE

November 20-21, 2024

Credit Hours: 14
Course Number: R4256


This FREE training introduces criminal justice professionals to the nature of illicit fentanyl and the dangers it poses to our communities. The event initially focuses on how drug investigations and overdose death investigations play a critical role in the enforcement and prosecution of dealers and traffickers and culminates with strategies and technical instruction on patrol level domestic highway interdiction.

Day 1 *OPEN TO ALL CJ PROFESSIONALS* Encompasses topics taught by Assistant United States Attorneys and local prosecutors, DEA, Idaho Office of Drug Policy, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) partners, and representation from the medical pathology community. Presentations include: (1) what fentanyl is from a technical perspective, including, precursors and ingestion methods; (2) OD Mapping and state and national statistics; (3) prosecuting fentanyl cases in federal court; (4) investigating and prosecuting fentanyl resulting death and serious bodily injury cases; (5) prosecuting fentanyl cases in state courts; and (6) a presentation on fentanyl’s physiological effects, autopsies, and OD trends.
Day 2 *FOR SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT* – An eight-hour intensive domestic highway interdiction training by the Idaho State Police Domestic Highway Interdiction Team. This period of instruction covers: (1) patrol’s vision and the importance of interdiction; (2) officer safety, ethics & Fourth amendment; (3) trends and pretext traffic stops; (4) vehicle and person indicators and roadside interviews; (5) consent and legal considerations; (6) K9s; (7) money seizures; (8) report writing, and (9) the importance of officer networking.

Instructors: TBD


Idaho Falls Police Department
775 Northgate Mile, Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Registration Details:

To register for this course, click the following link- http://www.justice.gov/usao-id/fentanyl-awareness-training-law-enforcement


Point of Contact:
Michael Steen
Law enforcement Coordinator
United States Attorney’s Office
District of Idaho
Desk: 208-334-4529


December 12 – 13, 2024

Dec 12th 0800 – 2000

Dec 13th 1000 – 1700

Credit Hours: 20

Course Number: 121D


This course will train law enforcement officers to observe, identify and articulate the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes which result in serious injuries and fatalities. In addition, this course will educate other criminal justice professionals (prosecutors, toxicologists, judges, etc.) to understand the signs of impairment related to drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both, to enable them to effectively work with law enforcement in order to reduce the number of impaired driving incidents as well as crashes.

This class is intended for officers who have been patrolling for two or more years and desire to have more training in the area of detection and apprehension of drug impaired drivers.
ARIDE is the prerequisite for the Drug Recognition Expert School.

Instructors: ISP Sgt Ben Foster


180 Lex Kunau Park
MCSO Boat House
North Burley, ID 

Registration Details:

Email SSgt Dudley at mdudley@minidokacounty.id.gov to register


Maximum: 20 students

R4 306 – Patrol Rifle Instructor – Idaho Falls

October 15-17, 2024, 0800-1700

Credit Hours: 24 hours
Course Number:


This Patrol Rifle Course was developed for those POST certified firearms instructors that did not receive this training during their firearms instructor school. Starting in 2025, this 24-hour class will be included in every POST certified firearms instructor course.

The Patrol Rifle is an extremely useful tool for modern law enforcement professionals. Agencies deploying these tools must support the training required to safely and responsibly utilize them correctly. Time must be given to develop and maintain the required skills. This course is designed for the law enforcement firearms instructor. Students will learn how to properly instruct, manipulate, and deploy a patrol rifle within an urban environment. The purpose of this class is to expose students to capabilities and limitations of the LE Patrol Rifle.

Duty Rifle w/sling and 1000 rounds of ammunition
Duty Handgun w/200 rounds of ammunition
Weapon mounted light
Handheld Flashlight
(5) five rounds of duty ammunition for each weapon system
Ear/Eye Protection
Ball Cap

Pre-requisites for attendance 

  • Basic LEO certification
  • Completed instructor development
  • Completed a TACMED end-user course
  • Completed the POST firearms Instructor course


East Idaho Law Enforcement Range
8423 W. Arco Highway
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

POST Coordinator: Matt Bloodgood and Jeff Sklar


Class is limited to 15 students. All registration applications will be vetted by POST for approval to attend this training. Once an applicant has been vetted, an e-mail will be sent to the applicant confirming registration. It is vital that the applicant provide a valid and correct e-mail address on the on-line registration form.

Pre-requisites for attendance:

  • Basic LEO certification
  • Completed instructor development
  • Completed a TACMED end-user course
  • Completed the POST firearms Instructor course

Any registration request that does not meet the 3 year minimum LE experience and/or does not have a POST certification will not be approved

Registrations open 90 days before the start date of the course

R4 First Line Supervisor Training- Pocatello FREE for ICRMP Members

October 21-23, 2024, 0800-1700

Credit Hours: 24 hours
Course Number: R4602


This course is open to all sworn or non-sworn Command Level Supervisors, or above, in any division of Law Enforcement or related public service agency personnel.
The POST certified course has received EXCELLENT reviews from those who have attended it!!
Presented through a combination of classroom lecture and practical exercises, this 3-day course will provide new FTO’s and First Line Supervisors with principles and techniques that will help them become successful supervisors.
Topics will include:
Management Styles Coaching Employees
Problem Employees Generational Differences
Performance Evaluations Employee Discipline
Civil Liability

Instructors: Chad Sarmento


Pocatello Police Department

911 N. 7th Ave.

Pocatello, ID 83201

Registration Details: For more information or to register, please contact Chad Sarmento csarmento@icrmp.org




R4- ASIST- Suicide Prevention- Idaho Falls

Sept. 5-6, 2024, 0830-1630

Credit Hours: 14
Course Number: R4251


Click on the attached link for information and registration- Idaho Falls_ASIST Flyer 830-900

Instructors: TBD


Bonneville County Sheriff’s Ammon Field Office

3750 E. Lincoln Rd.

Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Registration Details: See attached link above.




R4 309 – Instructor Development – Chubbuck

December 16-20, 2024 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Credit Hours: 40
Course Number: 309


This class is required for any person who wishes to become a POST certified instructor. The new course curriculum covers adult learning, building thinking skills in students, paralanguage, assessing student understanding of class material, and writing lesson plans. Each Student will be videotaped for self-evaluation. The participants are required to bring to this class certain equipment and presentations:

  • A laptop or other electronic media device with a USB port.
  • The Instructor development manual either as a hard copy or downloaded on a media device
  • A device equipped to video record a 2-3 minute presentation for self-evaluation (i.e. camera, iPhone, iPad etc)
  • Materials needed for your classroom presentation

Please note that POST will no longer provide printed classroom manuals to participants in this course. It is the participants responsibility to download the class instruction sheet and classroom manual, links are provided throughout this announcement.




Chubbuck Police Department
5160 Yellowstone
Chubbuck, ID

POST Coordinator: Matt Bloodgood


All registration applications will be vetted by POST for approval to attend this training. Once an applicant has been vetted, an e-mail will be sent to the applicant confirming registration. It is vital that the applicant provide a valid and correct e-mail address on the on-line registration form.

Pre-requisites for attendance:

      • Must be employed with an Idaho Law Enforcement Agency
        Applicants must have  three (3) years of LE experience

NOTE:   If the LE experience is with an agency out of state the following documentation is required:

      • a copy of the previous POST record which shows years of service
      • or a letter from the previous Agency Head (on Agency letterhead) verifying years of service including the hire date and separation date

Any registration request that does not meet the 3 year minimum LE experience and/or does not have a POST certification will not be approved

Registrations open 90 days before the start date of the course