R4 NTOA Basic SWAT- Rexburg

April 21-25, 2025

Credit Hours: 40
Course Number: R4270


Individuals who have recently been assigned to SWAT and have not received basic SWAT training will benefit from this
comprehensive introduction to tactical skills. Students will be introduced to basic SWAT topics, tactics and techniques including a
historical overview of SWAT, team organization and structure, resolution of barricaded suspect situations, covert individual and
team movement, searches and room clearing, chemical agents, less-lethal options, warrant service and multiple field training
exercises. This is a hands-on, high-intensity course in which students practice tactics and techniques in the field.

Instructors: NTOA Instructors TBD


Madison County Sheriff’s Office

145 E. Main St.

Rexburg, ID 83440

Registration Details:

Registration deadline March 7, 2025. To register for the course, click the following link- https://training.ntoa.org/CourseRegistration/default.asp?num=20251630&cost=&or=



R4 Front Line Leadership- Idaho Falls

April 22-24, 2025

Credit Hours: 24
Course Number: R4805


Course Description
This Track II course is for those who would like to enjoy more out of their
career and their life. Students completing this course will develop their
understanding of leadership and self to improve their work and personal
relationships with others. Information and skills developed in this course
will assist in gaining a broader perspective of the law enforcement
profession, the personalities that exist in it, functional vs
dysfunctional teams, culture, history, building trust, building credibility,
building teams, and real-life modern leadership. Topics of instruction will
include Assessing Leadership, Positive Teamwork, Police Cultures, the
Challenging Employee, Integrity of Policing, 360 Relationships, and Resilient
Leadership. This course is a “must” for all Front Line Leaders!

Target Audience
All commissioned peace officers, corrections officers, non-commissioned
personnel, FTO’s, supervisors, middle managers, command staff, and
executive staff of all ranks, tenure, and assignment will benefit from this
Front Line Leadership course. This course is for everyone in our profession.

Instructors: Ron Bayne


Bonneville County Sheriff’s Ammon Field Office
3750 E Lincoln Road,
Idaho Falls, ID

Registration Details:

Call 866-855-6772 or at http://joppatraining.com



R4 Winning a Gunfight- Idaho Falls FREE ($25 donation recommended) CANCELLED LACK OF REGISTRATIONS


Credit Hours: 8
Course Number: R4139


Does physically surviving a gunfight mean you won? Not by a long shot. Many people survive gunfights. In fact, most people who are in a gunfight survive. But there is a difference between surviving and winning. Surviving means you continue to exist. Continuing to exist and winning are not the same.
Everyone who carries a gun for personal protection or the protection of others needs to understand what they will face before, during, and after a gunfight. This seminar, based on Winning a Gunfight, helps prepare the modern warrior to win in the event they face a deadly foe.

Instructors: Timm Rupp


Bonneville County SO
Ammon Field Office
3750 E. Lincoln Rd.
Ammon, ID 83401

Registration Details:

Go online to register:
Email: office@TheStrongBlueLine.org
Call: (208) 206-1215



R4 Suicide is not an Option- Idaho Falls CANCELLED LACK OF REGISTRATIONS


Credit Hours: 8
Course Number: R4138


America’s law enforcement officers are significantly more likely to die by suicide than being murdered in the line of duty. For years mental health professionals have come alongside officers with treatment, assistance, and counsel. Yet, the suicide rate continues to increase. Can this ever-increasing suicide rate among these warriors be stopped?
In this seminar, Law Enforcement Chaplain Tim Rupp approaches suicide from a spiritual health perspective. Rupp argues there is meaning to life beyond the individual. Humans are not only physical and mental beings, but spiritual beings who yearn for a yet to be experienced life beyond. This eternal hope instilled in every person gives meaning to life and a reason to hope. Hope for more, hope for new, hope for better. Rupp believes that this intrinsic hope is a key to reduce the suicide rate among our warriors.

Target Audience: Law enforcement officers, military, chaplains, mental health professionals, peer support team, and clergy who minister to LEOs

Instructors: Tim Rupp


Bonneville County SO
Ammon Field Office
3750 E. Lincoln Rd.
Ammon, ID 83401

Registration Details:

To register:
Email: office@TheStrongBlueLine.org
Call: (208) 206-1215



R4 FBI LEEDA Command Leadership Institute- Chubbuck

November 11-15, 2024, 0800-1700

Credit Hours: 28
Course Number: R4700


See course information and registration link-



Chubbuck Police Department

5160 Yellowstone Ave.

Chubbuck, ID 83202

Registration Details: See QR Code in link above.




R4- ASIST- Suicide Prevention- Idaho Falls

Sept. 5-6, 2024, 0830-1630

Credit Hours: 14
Course Number: R4251


Click on the attached link for information and registration- Idaho Falls_ASIST Flyer 830-900

Instructors: TBD


Bonneville County Sheriff’s Ammon Field Office

3750 E. Lincoln Rd.

Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Registration Details: See attached link above.




R4713 Leadership and Mastering Performance Management, Phase I and II- Idaho Falls

July 29-August 2, 2024

Credit Hours: 40
Course Number: R4713


This five-day, forty-hour seminar will draw on much of the work that has dramatically impacted the subject of supervisory leadership in the last two decades. Beginning with an overview of the development of our knowledge of what leadership and management are, there will be an emphasis placed on the leader as communicator, trainer, developer of people, and their role as an extension of management. Attendees will better understand the need for communication and assessment skills and will be taught how to use them to assist themselves and their officers to better perform their roles.

This session introduces The Seven Layers of Success© The Leadership Test©, the DISC® and The Q6 Performance Leadership Model© as teachable tools that will improve the skills and abilities of supervisors and managers to both manage and lead. These sessions are taught utilizing much of the current thought of adult education principles to accelerate learning. There will be active class participation and application of the material presented. This session can greatly enhance the supervisor’s ability to properly lead given a variety of circumstances.

Bill Westfall, who instructs this seminar, has proven to be one of the most acclaimed and requested public safety leadership instructors in the United States today. One who appreciates the lessons of history, Bill has the ability to see trends that will affect the future and is able to describe the evolution of society and the public safety profession, relating back to the fundamental values of leadership that assist organizations and people to reach their full potential.

Instructors: Bill Westfall


Idaho Fish and Game

4279 Commerce Circle

Idaho Falls ID 83401

Registration Details:

Idaho Fish and Game Regional Conservation Officer Barry Cummings at barry.cummings@idfg.idaho.gov,208-596-0451. Make checks payable to Idaho Fish and Game: Westfall Leadership I &II and mail to address in class location above.


The class requires a minimum of 30 students and is capped at 40 students. Minimum 14-day cancellation to avoid incurring any charges.

R4228F Officer Involved Shooting and Use-of-Deadly Force- Idaho Falls

November 4-6, 2024 0800-1600 (Half day on Nov. 6)

Credit Hours: 20
Course Number: R4228F


This is a 2.5-day class; therefore, the first two days of class will be from 8:00am-4:00pm local time and the last day of class will end at 12:00pm local time. 

Today almost every officer involved shooting or in-custody death will garner some national media attention and scrutiny. Law enforcement officers and the citizens they serve, deserve a professional and unbiased investigation of these incidents. This 3-day course provides 20 hours of training to prepare officers to conduct investigations into critical incidents / officer involved shootings and in-custody deaths (OICI). This course covers the four important phases of the OICI including the initial assignments, incident scene investigation, involved officer interviews and case completion. Other topics that will also be covered will be legal issues, media relations, and court preparation.

This program will prepare investigators to professionally investigate officer involved shootings, in-custody deaths and uses of force that result in serious injury. This course is intended for those investigators who are specifically assigned to the criminal investigation of officer involved shootings and in-custody deaths. It is also appropriate for those detectives or uniform personnel who may be required to assist in these types of investigations. During the course students will be instructed on the four phases of the officer involved critical incident investigation:

Phase I- Assessment, triage, resource allocations, assignments.

Phase II- Incident scene & witness interviews.

Phase III- Involved Officers interviews.

Phase IV- Case completion and submittal

Instructors: John Kempf


Idaho Falls Police Department

775 Northgate Mile
Idaho Falls State 83402

Registration Details: Click the following link for course and registration information https://publicagencytrainingcouncil.arlo.co/w/seminars/539-officerinvolved-shooting-and-useofdeadly-force-3day-kempf/744




R4138 Peer Support- Pocatello FREE

September 23-26, 2024 0800-1700

Credit Hours: 32
Course Number: R4138


Law enforcement is one of the most stressful occupations that exist. Each day, a law enforcement officer is faced with more stress than an average person faces in five years. The daily threat of death, the succession of one high stress event after another, the in-depth scrutiny of our actions by others, and the culture of denial we have created causes us to have issues no other occupation has. Our life expectancy is much shorter than average, our rate of alcohol and drug abuse is high, our suicide rate is high, and we have done very little to address these issues.

Peer Support is the best mechanism to remedy our failures in addressing the elephant in the room. Who knows more about a law enforcement officer’s life than another officer?  This thirty-two-hour course will train each attendee to “coach” fellow officers through the emotional and psychological issues they face daily.

Topics include responding to officer involved shootings and other high stress events, general job stress, suicide recognition and prevention, the recognition of mental disorders, family issues, line of duty deaths, and one-on-one ‘coaching’ of other officers.  Protocols for creating or improving peer support teams will be discussed as well as policy and confidentiality/privilege.

Attendees must be law enforcement officers, dispatchers, chaplains, or behavioral health professionals who work with law enforcement. This is a very unique class developed by law enforcement for law enforcement. The personal benefits of this course and using it to help other officers is life changing.

Instructors: Timothy Rutledge


Bannock County Sheriff’s Office

5800 S. 5th Ave.

Pocatello, ID 83204

Registration Details: To register for this course click the following link- http://rcta.org opens 90 days prior to start




R4232E K9 SWAT/High Risk Patrol (SKIDDS/CATS) Course- Idaho Falls

August 6-8, 2024, 0800-1800

Credit Hours: 30
Course Number: R4232E


For those that do not understand canines or have a misconception as to just how beneficial canines can be to a SWAT team, S.K.I.D.D.S. is the answer. The goal of this three day course will be to educate and train both canine handlers and the SWAT team members on the deployment of police service dogs in a SWAT operation.

At S.K.I.D.D.S. we will teach you approaches, entries, slow stealth and tactical team movements and searching techniques, safer arrest techniques along with team movement during live gunfire. The skills you will learn at S.K.I.D.D.S. will enhance your searching abilities and make your job safer and easier.

Open to all sworn police officers and military police who are currently members of their departments K9 unit or SWAT team. SWAT and K9 supervisors are encouraged to attend.

CATS is for handlers and K9’s that need a little help before they train with their departments SWAT team. CATS is also for patrol K9 teams that don’t have a SWAT team, will never search with a SWAT team and need a class to improve their officer safety and searching techniques.

The same techniques that are taught at S.K.I.D.D.S. are taught at CATS.

CATS is open to all sworn police officers and military police who are currently members of their departments K9 unit or SWAT team. SWAT and K9 supervisor are encouraged to attend.


For Dog Handlers

Police Dog and K9 unit

Uniform and Duty Gear

Duty weapon and 250 rounds of handgun ammo

Vest, Tactical Vest and Helmet



30 foot leash


Large cotton balls

Gas Masks

Eyes and Ear protection

First Aid Equipment

Elbow and Knee Pads

Large amounts of drinking water for handler and dogs

Rain Gear

Bite Suit

Challenge Coin

For SWAT Team Members

SWAT Vehicle with your equipment (Optional)

SWAT Uniform

Duty weapon with approx. 100 rounds of handgun ammo and shoulder weapon with approx. 250 rounds of ammo

Vest, Tactical Vest and Helmet


Gas Mask

Eyes and Ear Protection

Ballistic Shield and Mirror

Elbow and Knee Pads

Radio Communications (Optional)

Drone or robot equipment (if operator present)

One Flash Bang – EDD per person

Large amounts of drinking water

Rain gear

Challenge Coin

Instructors: Brad Smith


Idaho Falls Police Department

775 Northgate Mile

Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Registration Details: To register for this course contact Brianna Smith at BriannasmithK9@gmail.com

