A note about the 24 Mandatory Training Hours

Monday July 1, 2024

The following letter is from Regional Training Manger Jeff Sklar,

"Hello Everyone,

The purpose of this email is to clear up any misinformation, rumors, and any other confusion regarding the mandatory MTRS requirement to maintain a basic LEO certification. These requirements were approved by the POST Council in 2021, added to IDAPA rule in 2022 and implemented by POST starting January 2023. POST conducted an exhaustive research assessment starting in 2018 at the request of the POST Council and supported by the Idaho Sheriff’s Association and the Idaho Chief of Police Association. We presented the findings of the assessment to the POST council almost three years later.  The research identified that most Idaho agencies yearly block training was already exceeding these new requirements.

POST has added several affordable training opportunities to the POST training calendar for agencies that might need help obtaining the mandatory required hours. We have also been working closely with smaller agencies that might not have a firearm, EVOC or ARCON program. In this case we try and facilitate a collaboration between neighboring agencies that can help one another to meet the MTRS requirements. So far, we have had great success with this.

The following must be completed in every 2-year training cycle:

(8-hour) Firearms Training—There must be a live fire training component and an annual firearms qualification. At least 4-hours of the total must be spent on the range conducting live fire training. Purely watching or observing is an absolute no/go for POST credit and is not acceptable to meet this standard. We will accept simulator (shoot/don’t shoot training) for the remaining 4-hours. The intent of this requirement was for each officer to receive 8-hours of live fire training. However, we also appreciate the quality and value of firearms simulators.

(8-hour) ARCON Training—This can be anything within the ARCON curriculum. Meaning, handcuffing, weapons retention, reactive Impact weapons etc. We don’t require you to hit the mat and roll with the gorillas. However, POST does suggest that you are familiar with the basic concepts of ground fighting. Also, purely watching or observing is an absolute no/go and will not be accepted for POST credit and is not acceptable to meet this standard.

(4-hour) EVOC Training—This can be anything pertaining to EVOC training. It can be something as simple as a back-up course, or pursuit driving on the track. If you have access to a driving simulator that would be fine as well. The following link is something we will consider for a portion of the four (4) hours but not the entire allocation. https://www.police1.com/police-products/training/online-training/videos/intro-to-evoc-101-web-online-driver-training-for-police-and-emergency-vehicle-drivers-c5T6wMMjjCfU3jwJ/ . Meaning, if you watched this video, you still need to conduct at least 2-hours of actual driving.

(4-hour) Legal Update—This is not to be confused with Use of Force Training. The purpose of this requirement was to ensure officers are receiving actual legal updates from the prosecutor’s office, or qualified person every year. So, in the officer’s two (2) year cycle they should easily be able to cover this 4-hour requirement.

The above topics comprise the required mandatory 24-hours. To satisfy the IDAPA 40-hour requirement, the remaining 16-hours can be anything LEO related.

Below are some of the common questions we field on a regular basis

Q: Does command staff need to comply?

A: If you hold a Basic Idaho LEO certification there is no exemption for rank or position. Every officer/deputy must meet the above standard every 24 months.

Q: Can I just watch and observe training?

A: Observing and not participating will not be accepted for POST credit and is not acceptable to meet the standard. You must be an active participant in the training.

Q: Can I read a book or watch a video?

A: Watching videos and reading books will not be allowed or accepted.

Q: Can I use a firearm or driving simulator?

A: We will accept quality simulator training for a portion (not to exceed 50%) of the required hours.

Q: Does classroom lecture alone meet the requirement for FIREARMS, ARCON, EVOC?

A: No, it does not! Only 50% of the required training can be dedicated to classroom lecture.

Q: Does the 40-hours of training have to be POST certified?

A: No, it does not have to be POST certified currently. However, you are reasonable for all training documentation and retention same as POST certified training.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me or your regional training coordinator."