Use of POST facilities by external entities is limited to state and local law enforcement agencies or POST approved law enforcement certification programs. Facilities are scheduled annually according to priority of use in the following order:
1. POST Basic academies/ISP training
2. Agency Academies
3. POST/ISP in-service
4. Agency in-service.
For more information about priority and scheduling refer to POST Procedure 12.30.
To schedule, please submit the facility request form or email the Facility Coordinator directly.
Idaho Law enforcement agencies may use POST facilities, subject to availability.
There are certain facility uses that may incur a cost. This will be addressed during scheduling.
Dorm rooms are $20.00 per night. They are double occupancy.
Meridian Facility

Idaho POST is located on the Idaho State Police campus in Meridian Idaho. Facilities include classrooms and physical training areas, EVOC course, computer lab, 78-bed dormitory, and a full-service cafeteria.
POST has been serving Idaho from its facility in Meridian since 1994. Its mission began in Pocatello in 1970. Ten years later it moved to Boise. In 1994, POST and the Idaho Department of Law Enforcement (which became the Idaho State Police in 2000) relocated to their current 43 acre campus.
Classrooms and Computer Lab

Classrooms include large, theater style classrooms, with capacity up to 50 people as well as flat classrooms allowing for variable table configurations and practical training exercises. POST also maintains a small computer lab. All POST classrooms are equipped with high quality audio/visual equipment and most are fully equipped for video conferencing.
Emergency Vehicle Operations Track

Approximately 21 acres of the complex is devoted to the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC). Features include a large skid pad and cone course area, and a mile-long road course with one intersection equipped with fully functioning, instructor controlled traffic signal lights.
Firearms Training

For firearms training, POST utilizes a range operated by the Idaho Department of Corrections, located a short distance away. This range includes a classroom, a computer-controlled qualification target range, a combat range, and a rifle range.
Production Studio and Equipment

A full-full size video production studio, equipped with professional audio and camera equipment, green screens, and lighting, is used to produce training programs in house for academy and in-service classes.

A two-story dormitory with 78 beds is located onsite. Accommodations are arranged for two students per room, with private restrooms and desks in each room. Handicap accessible rooms are available, accommodating one person per room. Lounge areas and coin-operated laundry rooms are located on each floor.
For more information or reservations, email our Facilities Manager.
Fully Equipped Weight and Cardio Rooms

A fully equipped weight room and cardio room are maintained for students and in-service officers. Locker rooms and showers are also available.
Gymnasium and Full-size Training Tank

Defensive Tactics Training, group workouts, scenario training, and large events like academy graduations are held in the college-sized gymnasium. The gym can be divided by an electronic curtain to accommodate two groups at once.
The indoor training tank is used year-round for physical fitness training and water safety and rescue training.
Cafeteria and Round Room

A cafeteria is located on campus, serving three meals each day during academy training.
For information on meals or to make arrangements for charges, call the cafeteria manager at 208-884-7287.