Official Government Website

Regional In-service Training

Become a POST-certified Instructor

To become a POST-certified instructor, an officer must have at least 3 years of law enforcement experience, attend Instructor development, and submit an application. Please visit our Instructor Certification page for more detailed information on the process.

To find our next Instructor Development course, please see our In-Service Training calendar

Mandatory Training Reporting System (MTRS)

MTRS can only be used by patrol, detention, and emergency communication agencies. It’s utilized to track mandatory training hours per IDAPA. Agency heads and their designated employees are the only people who have access to enter training. If you want access, please ask your agency head, and have them email their regional coordinator with the request.

If you want to record POST training hours, please visit the agency portal. Access is limited to designated personnel appointed by the agency head.

Hosting an In-service training for POST credit

If you’d like to bring a vendor into Idaho to train, officers can get POST training hours if the course is pre-approved by your regional coordinator. The application must be submitted at least 60 days before the course. 

Please note, POST does not deal directly with third-party vendors. If you are a third-party vendor, please work with an Idaho agency to get your class approved for POST credit.

Pay close attention to the “Attachments” section of the application. These are the required documents needed to approve the course. Once the application is complete, please email it to your regional coordinator.

Publishing training on the
In-Service Training Calendar

POST maintains an In-Service calendar that displays trainings in the state of Idaho that are approved for POST training credits or taught by Idaho POST-certified Instructors. It is an excellent resource to find topic-specific training or find classes to help earn hours towards your next higher level certificate.

If you’d like to advertise your agency’s training, please fill out the application and submit it to your regional coordinator. 
Please note: External agency training posts are subject to staff availability.

Challenge Testing :
Each region does challenge testing differently to fit their regional needs and technology limitations. If you have received a “Cleared to Test” email, please contact your regional coordinator to schedule a testing date. For Region 2, please see the 2025 testing dates and inform them the date that works for you.
If you have not received a “cleared to test” email, please contact your agency to check the status of your challenge application.

Click on a region to see the regional coordinators and more information.

Region 4 Region 3 Region 2 Region 1
Mark Gidney
Region 1 Coordinator

615 W Wilbur Ave Ste. A
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
Phone: 208.209.8696

Coordinates with all agencies and officers in the following counties: 

Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah, Shoshone, Latah, Clearwater, Nez Perce, Lewis, Idaho

Jeff Sklar
Jeff Sklar
Regional Training Manager

700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: 208.884.7252

Ronda Wallace
Region 2 Coordinator

700 S. Stratford Dr.
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: 208.846.7589

Challenge Testing Schedule for 2024

Coordinates with all agencies and officers in the following counties: 

Adams, Valley, Washington, Payette, Gem, Boise, Canyon, Ada, Owyhee

John Lamm
Region 3 Coordinator

218 West Yakima
Jerome, ID 83338
Phone: 208.324.6049

Coordinates with all agencies and officers in the following counties: 

Elmore, Camas, Blaine, Gooding, Lincoln, Jerome, Minidoka, Twin Falls, Cassia, Lemhi, Custer

Val Wadsworth
Region 4 Coordinator

5255 S. 5th Ave.
Pocatello, ID 83204
Phone: 208.239.9870

Coordinates with all agencies and officers in the following counties: 

Clark, Freemont, Butte, Jefferson, Madison, Teton, Bingham, Bonneville, Power, Bannock, Caribou, Oneida, Franklin, Bear Lake

Regional Assistant 

Jordynne Ketchum
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