R4 315 Less Lethal Weapons Instructor- Idaho Falls
June 25-28, 2024, 0800-1700
Credit Hours: 32
Course Number: R4315
The Less Lethal Instructor Program provides the necessary training for a changing world. This course is comprised for four 8-hour instructor-level classes covering OC Aerosols, Impact Munitions, Chemical Munitions and Distraction Device® Munitions. The student will acquire instructor level knowledge of Defense Technology® products, both technically and tactically, along with the skills necessary to conduct in-service training.
Each of the four class modules focuses on a different subject and includes a half-day of lecture-based studies followed by a half-day in the field for deployment drills. Unique to this class are the state-of-the-art deployment tactics that come direct from the manufacturer of the products used. In each topic, the student will receive a CD containing presentation materials andvideos to be utilized by the student for training in their own departments.
• Day 1 — OC Aerosol Projectors Instructor Program
• Day 2 — Less Lethal Impact Munitions (LLIM)
Instructor Program
• Day 3 — Chemical Munitions (CHEM) Instructor Program
• Day 4 — Distraction Device® Munitions (DD) Instructor Program
This course is conducted by real-world professionals with strong operational and applied experience in their respective fields. Upon completion of the course and successfully passing the final exam, the student is authorized to provide in-service training to their agency in specific areas for three years from the testing date.
• Eye and ear protection
• Body armor required for LLIM,
CHEM and DD programs
• Duty gear normally utilized when
deploying less lethal products
• Flame-resistant gloves
• Gas mask
• 37mm/40mm Gas launcher
Instructors: TBD
Idaho Falls Police Department
775 Northgate Mile
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Registration Details:
Register via the Defense Technologies website at https://defense-technology.policeoneacademy.com/