The Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) division provides training and certification for Idaho’s law enforcement officers; dispatchers; felony probation and parole officers; correction officers; juvenile direct care staff, detention and probation officers; and misdemeanor probation officers. POST maintains files on all certified officers, instructors, and basic academy programs as the state’s trustee for the POST Council.
Established in 1970, POST carries on a proud history of service. POST is authorized 31.67 full-time positions. Key programs/sections of POST are Administration, Basic Training, Certification, Curriculum, Business Operations, In-service training and the Office of Professional Responsibility. POST resides at the ISP headquarters complex in Meridian that includes facilities for the POST Academy and administrative offices. POST also maintains POST Regional Coordinator offices to facilitate agency
in-service training activities at the following locations:
- Region 1: Coeur d’Alene
- Region 2: Meridian
- Region 3: Jerome
- Region 4: Pocatello
Core Functions/Idaho Code
POST derives its statutory authority from the POST Council, whose establishment and activities are authorized by §19-5101 through 19-5119. Additionally, all POST activities are regulated by IDAPA 11.11.01 as authorized by §19-5107.
Establishing Minimum Basic and In-service Training Requirements to be certified in the Law Enforcement Profession in Idaho.
Certification and Decertification of officers in the law enforcement profession in Idaho.
Delivery of Basic Training of officers in the law enforcement profession in Idaho.
Certification of Institutions or Schools for the training of Peace Officers, County Detention Officers and Emergency Communications Officers.
Training Assistance to Prosecuting Attorneys and their deputies in Idaho with the Idaho Prosecuting Attorneys Association.

The Idaho POST Academy has been accredited by the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) since May 2022 and holds the coveted Award of Excellence for significantly exceeding accreditation standards.
The purpose of the IADLEST Law Enforcement Academy Accreditation Program is to evaluate and improve the operational viability of academies by sharing and recommending industry best practices. Attaining an accredited status is a significant accomplishment for the members of the agency, but more importantly it denotes the quality of service the academy provides the law enforcement community and the citizens it serves.
You can learn more about the Accreditation process by visiting
We are committed to fostering a safe and secure environment for all Idahoans. Through rigorous training, ethical standards, and ongoing professional development, POST equips peace officers with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to serve and protect our communities with integrity and compassion.
Let us be your partner in building a safer Idaho. Explore our website, connect with us, and get involved.
Remember, the safety of our communities starts with you. Welcome to POST!