R2 309 – Instructor Development – Boise
December 9 – 13, 2024 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Credit Hours: 40
Course Number: R2 309
This class is required for any person who wishes to become a POST certified instructor. The new course curriculum covers adult learning, building thinking skills in students, paralanguage, assessing student understanding of class material, and writing lesson plans. Each Student will be videotaped for self-evaluation. The participants are required to bring to this class certain equipment and presentations:
- A laptop or other electronic media device with a USB port.
- The Instructor development manual either as a hard copy or downloaded on a media device
- A device equipped to video record a 2-3 minute presentation for self-evaluation (i.e. camera, iPhone, iPad etc)
- Materials needed for your classroom presentation
Please note that POST will no longer provide printed classroom manuals to participants in this course. It is the participants responsibility to download the class instruction sheet and classroom manual, links are provided throughout this announcement.
POST Coordinator: Jeff Sklar 208.884.7252
Use the blue registration form to the right.
Registrations open 90 days before the start date of the course. Email confirmation will be sent to the trainee. If confirmation email has not been received, please check your SPAM or Junk email.
All registration applications will be vetted by POST for approval to attend this training. Once an applicant has been vetted, an e-mail will be sent to the applicant confirming registration. It is vital that the applicant provide a valid and correct e-mail address on the on-line registration form.
Pre-requisites for attendance:
- Must be employed with an Idaho Law Enforcement Agency
Applicants must have three (3) years of LE experience
- Must be employed with an Idaho Law Enforcement Agency
NOTE: If the LE experience is with an agency out of state the following documentation is required:
- a copy of the previous POST record which shows years of service
- or a letter from the previous Agency Head (on Agency letterhead) verifying years of service including the hire date and separation date
Any registration request that does not meet the 3 year minimum LE experience and/or does not have a POST certification will not be approved